At the behest of Kortney Garrison here’s my version of the above-named form:Pouring Out a Bag of Shells Abbots and apes, bells and baloney, Cardinals and chickadees, doorstops and deacons, Everything's ephemeral, fatally flawed. Gullies and guy wires, haystacks and hat tricks, Ice cream and iodine, jockstraps and joysticks, Kakistocracy's kompromat, literal liars. Meme stocks and metallurgy, nabobs and noobs, Options and okra, puttanesca and pussy hats, Quietly quitting, really regretful. Soupspoons and sunburns, tar brush and tallow, Undercoats and urns, vacuums and valves, Worrisome worts, xanthic xenoblasts, Yogurt and yarrow, zits and Zen. (all of it scrambled, all jumbled up, if it makes any sense I'm sure you're mistaken; a trifle, a trinket, froth and malarkey all of it taken and shaken and poured)
How cool that you were able to keep the lines in your head! I think of parts of poems while I’m driving sometimes, but almost always forget by the time I get there.
Oh what a fun carnival and cacophony of words!! Delicious and delightful.
This is so satisfying to read!
Thank you! I composed the first several lines out loud while driving some errands so I’m glad that the rhythm comes through. 😀
How cool that you were able to keep the lines in your head! I think of parts of poems while I’m driving sometimes, but almost always forget by the time I get there.
I like the abbotts and apes and literal liars.
Thanks! As I mentioned: it’s a trifle. 😂
Nope. No trifle this:
" if it makes any sense I'm sure you're mistaken"